Jenn Zhou XiaoJian

Student Editor, DigiChina (Spring 2023)

Jenn Zhou XiaoJian is a master’s student in East Asian Studies at Stanford University. Her research interest lies in the strategic competition between the United States and China, especially in Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific region. Prior to Stanford, Jenn was the Cyber Strategy & Capabilities Officer at the Cybercrime Directorate of INTERPOL on a one-year secondment from the Singapore Government. As part of the INTERPOL delegation, she was actively involved in the negotiations and elaboration of the new international cybercrime convention at the United Nations. As a recipient of the Singapore Public Service Commission Scholarship, Jenn also worked on data governance and tech policy during her internship at the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office, as well as bilateraland multilateral trade relations at the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Jenn holds a BA in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford.