2006-2020 National Informatization Development Strategy


March 19, 2006


March 19, 2006

NOTE: This translation was originally published on the China Copyright and Media blog, a project of DigiChina’s Prof. Rogier Creemers of the University of Leiden. It has not been edited, double-checked, or standardized with DigiChina’s original content. Read more.

CCP Central Committee General Office and State Council General Office Notice concerning Printing and Issuing the “2006-2020 National Informatization Development Strategy”

ZBF No. (2006)11

All provincial, autonomous region and municipal Party Committees and People’s Governments, all Centre and State bodies’ ministries and commissions, all Liberation Army general headquarters, all large work units, all People’s Organizations:

The “2006-2020 National Informatization Development Strategy” has been approved by the Party Centre and the State Council, it is hereby printed and issued to you, please earnestly implement it in integration with reality.

CCP Central Committee General Office

State Council General Office

19 March 2006

2006-2020 National Informatization Development Strategy

Informatization is a great trend in present global developments, and an important force to promote economic and social reform. Forcefully moving informatization forward is a strategic measure affecting the entire picture of our country’s modernization construction, and is an urgently needed and inevitable choice to implement the scientific development view, comprehensively construct a moderately prosperous society, build a harmonious Socialist society and construct an innovative country.

I, The basic trends of global informatization development

Informatization is the historical process of fully using information technology, developing the use of information resources, stimulating information exchange and knowledge sharing, raising the quality of economic growth, and promoting the transformation of economic and social development. Since the Nineties of the 20th Century, information technology has been incessantly innovated, the information industry has continued to develop information networks have broadened and spread, informatization has become a clear characteristic of global economic and social development, and progressively evolved into comprehensive social change. Entering the 21st Century, the influence of informatization on economic and social development is ever more profound. The broad application and profound penetration of information technology is nurturing new and major breakthroughs. Information resources are becoming more important factors of production, intangible assets and social wealth day by day. Information networks have spread ever more and converge more day by day. Informatization and economic globalization are intertwined, which promotes the deepening of the global division of industrial labour and the adjustment of economic structures, and remoulds the picture of global economic competition. The Internet has intensified the mutual agitation of all sorts of ideologies and cultures, and has become a new carrier for information dissemination and the distribution of knowledge. The role of E-government in raising administrative efficiency, improving government functioning and expanding democratic participation becomes clearer every day. The importance of information security grows with the times, and is becoming a common challenge faced by all countries. Information has brought major changes to the form of modern warfare, and is a core content of new global military changes. The global digital divide trends towards expansion, and the phenomenon of development imbalances is becoming graver every day. The development objectives for informatization of developed countries are becoming increasingly clear, and trends towards a transformation into an information society are emerging; ever more developing countries are actively welcoming the new opportunities brought by the development of informatization, and are striving to follow the tide of the times. Global informatization is triggering a deep change in the present world, and is remoulding the situation of global political, economic, social, cultural and military development. The acceleration of informatization and development has become a common choice of all countries in the world.

II, The basic situation of our country’s informatization development

(1) The situation of progress in informatization development

The Party Centre and the State Council have consistently paid high regard to informatization work. In the Nineties of the 20th Century, they successively initiated major informatization application project with the Golden Gate, Golden Card and Golden Tax as representative examples; in 1997, the National Informatization Work Conference was convened; the 5th Plenum of the 15th Party Congress raised informatization to the heights of national strategy; the 16th Party Committee made further strategic deployments to drive industrialization with informatization, stimulate industrialization with informatization, and march the path of new industrialization; the 5th Plenum of the 16th Party Congress again stressed moving forward with the informatization of the national economy and society, and accelerating the transformation of economic growth methods. During the “10th Five-Year Plan” period, the National Leading Group for Informatization carried out a comprehensive deployment of the focus points for informatization development, and made a series of important policy decisions on moving e-government forward, enlivening the software industry, strengthening information security protection, strengthening information resource exploitation and use, accelerating the development of e-commerce, etc. All localities and all departments have started from reality, earnestly implemented [these policies], incessantly explored and pioneered, and our country’s informatization construction has seen gratifying progress.

– Leap-frogging development has been realized in information network, which have become an important infrastructure supporting economic and social development. [We hold] first position worldwide in terms of telephone users and the scale of the network, second position worldwide in terms of Internet users and broadband access users, and radio and television networks basically cover all administrative villages nationwide.

– The information industry has continued its rapid development, and its contribution to economic growth has steadily increased. In 2005, the information industry’s added value amounted to a proportion of 7.2 per cent of GDP, making a contribution to economic growth of 16.6%. The export value of the electronic and information product manufacturing sector exceeded 30% of the total value of exports. A batch of core technologies with indigenous intellectual property rights has been grasped. The international competitiveness of a number of backbone enterprises is incessantly strengthening.

The application and effect of information technology in all areas of the national economy and society is becoming more notable every day. Agricultural information service systems are incessantly being perfected. Applied information technology transformation system industries are incessantly seeing new advances, and the levels of informatization in energy, communications and transport, metallurgy, machinery, chemistry and other such industries are gradually rising. The pace of transformation of traditional service sectors is accelerating, and information industries are springing up exuberantly. Financial informatization has moved financial service innovation forward, and the beginnings of modernized financial service systems have been shaped. E-commerce development trends are good, and the progress of informatization in science and technology, education, culture, medicine and healthcare, social security, environmental protection and other such areas is clearly accelerating.

– E-government is steadily developing, and is becoming and effective method to change government functions, raise administrative efficiency and move government openness forward. All levels’ government departments use information technology to broaden information openness, stimulate information resource sharing and move governmental coordination forward, which raised administrative efficiency, improved public services and effectively promoted the transformation of government functions. The results of the golden pass, gold card, gold tax and other such projects has been remarkable, the Golden Shield, the Golden Trial and other such projects have progressed smoothly.

– The exploitation and use of information resources has seen important advances. Basic information resource construction work has begun, the proportion of Chinese-language information on the Internet is steadily rising, and the level of exploitation and use of information resources is incessantly rising.

– Information security protection work is gradually being strengthened. A national information security strategy has been formulated and implemented, the beginnings of an information security management structure and work mechanisms have been established. The security protection levels of information networks and important information systems have clearly risen, Internet information security management has further strengthened.

– Basic informatization work has further improved. The construction of a legal system for informatization has progressively been moved forward, information technology standardization work has been gradually strengthened, informatization training work has been given high regard, and informatization talent teams have been incessantly expanded.

The basic experience of our country’s informatization development is: persisting in standing on the height of the national strategy, making informatization into a strategic measure covering the entire picture of modernization construction, correctly dealing with the relationship between informatization and industrialization, long-term planning and continuously moving forward. Persist in starting from national conditions, suiting measures to local conditions, make informatization into an important method of resolving real and pressing problems and difficulties in development, fully give rein to the role of information technology in all areas. Persist in putting exploitation and use of information resources in an important position, strengthen comprehensive coordination, stimulate interconnection, interoperability and resource sharing. Persist in integrating the guidance of absorbing advanced technology with strengthening indigenous innovation capacity, optimize and develop the information industry, progressively strengthen the capacity for autonomous equipment for informatization. Persist in equally stressing progress in informatization construction and safeguarding national information security, incessantly raise security protection levels of basic information networks and important information systems. Persist in grasping widespread education about information technology with priority, and raise citizens’ ability to use information technology

(3) Problems that require attention in informatization development

At present, a number of problems that need to be resolved urgently exist in our country’s informatization development, which are mainly manifested as: first, thought and understanding needs to be raised. Our country moves informatization forward under conditions where industrialization is incessantly accelerating and structural reform is incessantly deepening, informatization theory and practice is not yet sufficiently mature, the entire society’s understanding of the importance and urgency of informatization needs to be raised further. Second, information technology indigenous innovation capacity is insufficient. We mainly rely on import for core technology and key equipment . An innovation structure with enterprises at the centre urgently needs to be perfected, and indigenous equipment capacity urgently needs to be strengthened. Third, information technology application levels are not high. Overall, application levels have fallen behind real demand, the potential of information technology has not been fully unearthed; in a number of areas and regions, the effects of applications are insufficiently clear. Fourth, information security problems remain quite prominent. At a global level, computer viruses, online attacks, junk mail, system leaks, online theft of secrets, false and harmful information, online crime and other such problems are becoming more prominent every day, if they are not suitably dealt with, they might bring a detrimental influence on our country’s economic and social development, and national security. Fifth, the digital divide has somewhat expanded. There is a quite large difference between information technology application levels those of advanced countries. The information technology application levels and degree of network expansion in different domestic regions, different areas and among different groups is very unbalanced, the differences between town and country, between regions and sectors tend to expand, becoming a new factor influencing coordinated development. Sixth, structural and mechanism reform is relatively lagging. Under the constraint of all sorts of factors, informatization management systems remain imperfect, telecommunications supervision and management structure reform remains to be deepened, and the construction of a legal system for informatization must be further accelerated.

Through many years of development, our country’s informatization development now possesses a certain basis, and is entering a new period of omnidirectional and multi-level progress. Grasping opportunities, welcoming challenges, responding to the needs of transforming economic growth methods and comprehensively constructing a moderately prosperous societies, renewing development ideas, breaking through development difficulties, innovating development models, and forcefully moving informatization development forward, have all become important and urgent strategic tasks in a new stage of our country’s economic and social development.

III, The guiding ideology of and strategic objectives for our country’s informatization development

(1) Guiding ideology and strategic principles

The guiding ideology of our country’s informatization development is: taking Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important “Three Represents” thought as guidance, implementing the scientific development view, persisting in using informatization to drive industrialization and using industrialization to stimulate informatization, persisting in using reform, opening up and scientific and technological innovation as drivers to forcefully move informatization forward, fully giving rein to the important role of informatization in stimulating development in economics, politics, culture, society, military affairs and other such areas, incessantly raising national informatization levels, marching the path of informatization with Chinese characteristics, stimulating our country’s economy and society to develop both rapidly and well.

The strategic principles for our country’s informatization development are: comprehensive planning and resource sharing, deepening application, seeking real results, facing the market, standing on innovation, integrating the military and the people, security and reliability. We must put the scientific development view in command, make reform and opening up into a driver, strive to realize benign interaction between networks, applications, technologies and industries, stimulate network convergence, realize optimized resource allocation and information sharing. We must put demand central, fully give rein to the basic role of market mechanisms in resource allocation, and explore informatization development models with low costs and good effects. We must put people first, extend outcomes to the whole body of the people, and create an informatization development environment that the broad masses can access, can afford and can use well. We must put institutional innovation and technological innovation in an equally important position, perfect structures and mechanisms, promote original innovation, strengthen integrated innovation, and strengthen our ability for digestion of imports and re-innovation. We must promote the integration of the military and the people, and coordinate development. We must pay high regard to information security, correctly deal with the relationship between security and development, guarantee development with security, and seek security in development.

(2) Strategic objectives

The strategic objectives for our country’s informatization development until 2020 are: the basic spread of comprehensive information infrastructure, a clear strengthening of the indigenous innovation capacity in information technology, the overall optimization of information industry structures, a substantial rise in national information security protection levels, clear achievements to be obtained in the informatization of the national economy and the society, the preliminary establishment of new industrialization development models, the basic perfection of the institutional environment and policy systems for national informatization development, a clear rise in citizens’ capacity to apply information technology, and a firm basis laid for marching towards an information society. The concrete objectives are:

Stimulating the basic transformation of economic growth models. Broadly apply information technology, transform and upgrade traditional industries, develop information service sectors, promote the strategic adjustment of industrial structures. Deepen applied information technology, strive to reduce energy and material consumption of work units and products, expand supervision and control over environmental pollution, serve the development of a recycling economy. Fully use information technology to stimulate our country’s economic growth model to transform from manly relying capital and material input into mainly relying on scientific and technological progress and raising the quality of workers, raise the quality and effect of economic growth.

Realizing a leap in indigenous innovation of information technology, and the development of information industries. Effectively use both international and domestic markets and resources to strengthen digestion and absorption of imported technology, make breakthroughs in a batch of core technologies, grasp a batch of key technologies, realize a leap in information technologies from following and import to indigenous innovation, realizing a leap in the information industry from large to strong.

Raising network expansion levels, information resource exploitation and use levels, and information security protection levels. Grasp opportunities for the transformation of network technology, basically build a comprehensive information infrastructure that is leading internationally, integrates many networks, is secure and reliable. Establish scientific information resource views, raise information resources to a level of importance equal to that of energy, raw materials, etc., create conditions to develop intensive knowledge industries. Long-term mechanisms for information security are to be basically established, national information security protection systems are to become relatively perfect, information security protection capacities are to clearly strengthen.

Strengthening governments’ public service capacities, the dissemination capacity of Socialist advanced culture, the capacity for military transformation with Chinese characteristics and citizens’ information technology use abilities. E-government applications and service systems are to become more perfect every day, social management and public system is to be closely integrated, networked public service capacities are to be clearly strengthened. The network is to become an important channel for the dissemination of advanced culture, the inspiring force of advanced Socialist culture and the international influence of the Chinese nation’s excellent culture is to clearly strengthen. National defence and military informatization construction is to see major advances, defence and fighting capacities under conditions of informatization are to clearly strengthen. The popular masses’ education levels and information technology use abilities are to clearly rise, laying a firm basis for the construction of a study-type society.

IV, The strategic focus of our country’s informatization development

(1) Moving forward the informatization of the national economy

Move forward information services aimed at the “Three Rurals”. Use public networks, adopt many kinds of access methods, at prices that peasants can universally bear, to raise the popularization rate of rural networks. Integrate information resources related to agriculture, standardize and perfect public interest-type information intermediary services, build information service systems with integrated urban-rural planning, provide information services to the rural population related to markets, science and technology, education, healthcare, etc., support the rational and orderly circulation of surplus rural labour.

Use information technology to transform and upgrade traditional industries. Stimulate the broad application of information technology in energy, traffic and transportation, metallurgy, machinery, chemical engineering and other such sectors, move forward with the informatization of design, research and development, the digitization of production equipment, the intelligentification of production processes and the networking of business management. Fully utilize information technology to promote the transformation of high-energy consumption, high-material consumption and high-pollution sectors. Promote supply chain management and customer relation management, forcefully support the informatization of small and mid-size enterprises.

Accelerate the informatization of the services sector. Optimize policy, legal and regulatory environments, rely on information networks to transform and upgrade traditional services sectors. Accelerate the development of online added-value services, e-finance, modern logistics, chain operations, specialized information services, consultancy, intermediaries and other new services sectors. Forcefully develop e-commerce, reduce logistical costs and transaction costs.

Encourage regions meeting conditions to take the lead in developing knowledge-intensive industries. Guide regions where talent is concentrated and the informatization basis is good to take the lead in developing knowledge-intensive industries, and promote the strategic adjustment of economic structures. Fully utilize information technology to accelerate the spread of knowledge and technology from the Eastern region to the Central and Western regions, creating a new picture of regionally coordinated development.

(2) Move e-government forward

Improve public services. Progressively establish an e-government public service system with citizens and enterprises as targets, with the Internet as the basis, with coordination between the Centre and the localities, in which many kinds of technological methods are integrated. Give high regard to promoting the extension of e-government public services to neighbourhoods, communities and villages. Progressively strengthen service content, broaden service scopes, raise service quality and promote the construction of a service-type government.

Strengthen social management. Integrate resources, shape a social management information network with complete coverage, which is highly effective and acute, strengthen comprehensive social governance capacities. Work in coordination and engage in joint construction, perfect online operational mechanisms for social early warning and response to sudden incidents, strengthen supervision and control, policymaking and emergency response handling capacities for all sorts of sudden incidents, guarantee national security and public security, and safeguard social stability.

Strengthen comprehensive supervision and management. Satisfy the needs of the transformation of government functions, raising administrative efficiency and standardizing supervision and management activities, deepen the construction of corresponding professional systems. Focus on finance, baking, taxation, industry and commerce, customs, state assets supervision, quality inspection, food and drug security and other such crucial businesses, plan matters comprehensively, exercise guidance in a categorized manner, move information sharing forward between relevant business systems, and between the Centre and the localities in an orderly manner, stimulate professional coordination between departments, raise supervision and management capacity. Build enterprise and individual accounting systems, standardize and safeguard market order.

Perfect macro-level regulation. Perfect information systems for financial, banking and other economic operations, enhance forecasting, early warning and survey levels for the national economy, strengthen the effectiveness and scientific nature of macro-level regulation and policymaking.

(3) Building advanced network culture

Strengthen the online dissemination of advanced Socialist culture. Closely grasp the progressive direction of advanced Socialist culture, support healthy and beneficial culture, accelerate moving forward with the digitization and networking of excellent cultural works of the Chinese nation, standardize the online cultural dissemination order, ensure that scientific theories, correct public opinion, noble spirits and excellent works become the mainstream of online cultural dissemination.

Improve public cultural information services. Encourage press and publications, radio, film and television, literature and art, and other such sectors to accelerate the pace of informatization, raise the quality of cultural products, and strengthen the supply capacity of cultural products. Accelerate the integration of cultural information resources, strengthen the construction of public interest-type cultural information infrastructure, perfect public cultural information service systems, bring cultural products into thousands of households, and enrich the grass roots masses’ cultural lives.

Strengthen Internet foreign propaganda and cultural exchange. Closely grasp the advanced orientation of advanced Socialist culture, support healthy and beneficial culture, accelerate the promotion of a digitized, networked and standardized cultural dissemination order for the excellent cultural works of the Chinese nation, and ensure that scientific reason, correct public opinion, noble spirits and excellent works become the main stream of online cultural dissemination.

Improve public cultural information services. Encourage press and publications, radio, film and televisions, literature and art, and other such sectors to accelerate the pace of informatization, raise the quality of cultural products, strengthen cultural product supply capacity. Accelerate the integration of cultural information resources, strengthen public interest-type cultural information infrastructure construction, perfect public cultural information service systems, bring cultural products into tens of thousands of households, enrich the cultural lives of the grass roots masses.

Strengthen foreign propaganda and cultural exchange on the Internet. Integrate Internet foreign propaganda resources, strengthen the construction of Internet foreign propaganda, incessantly raise Internet foreign propaganda work integration levels, continue to enhance the effect of foreign propaganda, broaden the international influence of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation.

Construct a positive and healthy online culture. Advocate online civility, strengthen online moral restraints, establish and perfect norms for online behaviour, vigorously guide the broad masses’ online cultural creation practice, consciously resist corrosion by harmful content, renounce online acts of abuse and vulgar tendencies, comprehensively build a positive and healthy network culture.

(4) Promote social informatization

Accelerate the pace of informatization in education and research. Enhance the informatization levels of basic education, higher education and vocational education, continue to move rural modern long-distance education forward, realize high-quality education resource sharing, stimulate the balanced development of education. Build life-long education systems, develop multi-level, interactive online education and training systems, to make it convenient for citizens to study autonomously. Establish and perfect basic network platforms for nationwide education and scientific research, raise the networked use levels of education and scientific research facilities, promote the sharing of educational and scientific research resources.

Strengthen healthcare and hygiene informatization construction. Build and perfect public health information systems covering the entire country, that are rapid and high in efficiency, strengthen epidemic prevention and monitoring, emergency response and management, and treatment capacities. Move the informatization of healthcare services forward, improve hospital management, launch long-distance healthcare. Comprehensively plan electronic patient files, stimulate information sharing and professional coordination between treatment, drug and insurance bodies, support the structural reform of healthcare.

Perfect employment and social security information service systems. Build multi-level, multi-functional employment information service systems, strengthen employment information statistical, analysis and dissemination work, improve technical training, employment guidance and policy consultancy services. Accelerate the construction of a nationwide social security information system, raise work efficiency, improve service quality.

Move community informatization forward. Integrate various kinds of information systems and resources, build uniform community information platforms, strengthen informatized management of the permanent population and the floating population, improve community services.

(5) Perfect comprehensive information infrastructure

Promote network convergence, realize a transformation towards next-generation networks. Optimize network structures, raise network capacities, move forward with the development of comprehensive and basic information platforms. Accelerate reform, move “three-network integration” forward in areas including business, networks and terminals. Develop many kinds of broadband access, forcefully promote the application and dissemination of the Internet. Promote the development of cable, terrestrial, satellite and al other kinds of digital radio and television, perfect the transformation of radio and television from analogue to digital. Apply optical sensors, RFID and other such technologies to expand network functions, develop and perfect comprehensive information infrastructure, steadily realize transformation towards next-generation networks.

Establish and perfect universal service systems. Accelerate institution-building, focus on regions with many elderly and young inhabitants, poor and border regions and disadvantaged social groups, establish and perfect subsidy mechanisms with universal service funding as basis, supplemented by corresponding preferential policies, progressively expand universal service basic telecommunications and radio and television businesses towards Internet business. Strengthen macro-level management, broaden many kinds of channels, promote the pluralization of universal service market subjects.

(6) Strengthen the exploitation and use of information resources.

Establish and perfect information resource exploitation and sue systems. Accelerate the construction of national basic information banks concerning the population, legal persons and work units, geographic space, etc., and expand corresponding applied services. Guide and standardize he exploitation and use of the socialized added value of information resources. Encourage enterprises, individuals and other social organizations to participate in the public interest-type exploitation and use of information resources. Perfect intellectual property rights protection systems, forcefully develop modern information service sectors with digitization and networking as main characteristics, stimulate the exploitation and use of information resources. Fully give rein to the role of information resource exploitation and use in energy and resource use reduction, and the increase of efficiency, give rein to the guiding role of information flows for personnel flows, material flows and financial flows, stimulate the transformation of economic growth methods and the construction of a resource saving-type society.

Strengthen management of information resources in the entire society. Standardize the information collection in areas including production, logistics, finance, population movement as well as the ecological environment and other such areas, and the formulation of standards, strengthen rigorous management of information assets, stimulate the optimized allocation of information resources. Realize the profound exploitation, timely processing, secure storage, rapid circulation and effective use of information resources, fundamentally satisfy the information demands in priority areas in economic and social development.

(7) Raise the competitiveness of the information industry

Make breakthroughs in core technology and key technology. Establish technology innovation systems with enterprises at the core, strengthen integrated innovation, make breakthroughs in indigenous innovation, make breakthroughs in crucial technology. Choose products and programmes that have a high degree of technological connectedness and industrial stimulus, stimulate import, digestion and re-innovation, integrate industry, scholarship, research and use, realize indigenous innovation in crucial areas of information technology. Concentrate forces, overcome difficulties, progressively approach the centre from the periphery, move original innovation forward, strive to leap over barriers in key technologies, move forward with the construction of an innovative country.

Foster an information industry having core competitive capacities. Strengthen government guidance, make breakthroughs in development bottlenecks such as integrated circuits, software, crucial electronic components, crucial technological equipment and other such basic industries, raise our position in global industrial chains, progressively shape an information industry with advanced technology, a strong basis and strong indigenous development capacity. Optimize environments, guide enterprises’ asset mergers and cross-border acquisitions, promote industrial alliances, accelerate the fostering and development of large companies having core capacities and small and mid-size enterprises having technological specialties, establish competitive advantages. Accelerate the pace of “marching out”, encourage operational enterprises and manufacturing enterprises to join hands in expanding international markets.

(8) Build a national information security protection system

Comprehensively strengthen the construction of a national information security protection system. Persist in vigorous defence and comprehensive vigilance, explore and grasp the inherent laws of informatization and information security, actively respond to information security challenges, realize the coordinated development of informatization and information security. Persist in finding a footing on our national conditions, comprehensively balance security costs and risks, guarantee focus points, optimize information security resource allocation. Establish and perfect hierarchical information security protection systems, focus on protecting basic information networks and important information systems relating to national security, economic lifelines and social stability. Strengthen the research, development and use of encryption technology. Build online trust systems. Strengthen information security risk assessment work. Build and perfect information security monitoring systems, raise our capacity to respond to and prevent network security incidents, prevent the dissemination of harmful information. Give high regard to information security emergency response and handling work, complete and perfect information security emergency response and security reporting systems, incessantly perfect information security response and handling preparations and plans. Start from reality, stimulate resource sharing, focus on the construction of disaster back-ups, strengthen the anti-destruction capacity and disaster recovery capacity for basic information infrastructure and important information systems.

Forcefully strengthen national information security protection capacity. Vigorously follow, research and grasp advanced theories, ground-breaking technologies and development trends in the area of international information security, closely grasp the development of discovery and research of leaks and backdoors in information security technologies and products, grasp core security technologies, raise the capacity of core facilities and equipment, stimulate the indigenous development of our country’s information security technology and industry. Accelerate the fostering of information security talents, strengthen citizens’ consciousness about information security. Incessantly raise information security legal protection capacities, basic support capacities, online public opinion and propaganda control abilities and the influence of our country in the international information security area, establish and perfect long-lasting mechanisms to safeguard national information security.

(9) Raise citizens’ ability to use information technology, forge informatization talent teams.

Raise citizens’ ability to use information technology. Strengthen informatization knowledge training for leading cadres, extend information technology skills training for government officials. Coordinate with the modern distance learning project, organize volunteers to go deeply into old, ethnic, poor and border regions to engage in informatization knowledge and skills services. Broaden information technology education in primary and secondary schools. Launch informatization knowledge and skills popularization activities in many forms, to raise citizens’ education levels and information abilities.

Foster informatization talents. Build an informatization talent fostering system with school education as the basis, professional education as focus point, with mutual integration between basic education and professional education, and mutual support between public interest training and commercial training. Encourage all sorts of specialist talents to grasp information technology and foster comprehensive talents.

V, Our country’s strategic plan for informatization development.

In order to implement the strategic focus of national informatization development, guarantee that national information levels reach a new stage during the “11th Five-Year Plan” period, according to the principles of inheriting the past and ushering in the future, and leading the field with one point as model, give priority to formulating and implementing the following strategic action plans.

(1) Citizen information skills education and training plans.

Spread information technology education in primary and secondary schools nationwide, establish perfect basic information technology course structures, optimize course setups, enrich course content, raise teachers’ levels, improve teaching results. Popularize new education models, realize the organic integration of information technology and the teaching process, comprehensively move quality education forward.

Expand government financial input and policy support strength, guide social capital to participate, bring information skills training into national’ economic and social development plans. Rely on tertiary education institutes, primary and secondary schools, post offices, science and technology centres, libraries, culture stations and other public information infrastructure, as well as the Nationwide Cultural Information Resource Sharing Project, the Rural Party Member and Cadre Long-Distance Education Project, etc., to vigorously launch citizen information skills education and training.

(2) E-commerce action plans

Build environments, perfect policies, give rein to the central function of enterprises, forcefully move e-commerce forward, connect supply and demand chains, customer relations management, etc., with enterprise informatization at the basis and large-scale focus enterprises in the lead, guide small and mid-size enterprises to participate vigorously, shape integrated e-commerce value chains. Accelerate the construction of credit, verification, standards, payment and modern logistics, perfect accounting and settlement information systems, pay attention to linking tracks internationally, explore multi-level and pluralized e-commerce development methods.

Formulate and promulgate informatization development guidelines for small and mid-size enterprises, implement categorized guidance, give preferential support to the best, build public information service platforms facing small and mid-size enterprises, encourage small and mid-size enterprises to use information technology, stimulate small and mid-size enterprises to launch flexible and diverse e-commerce activities. Stimulate industry concentration regions, give rein to the superiority of specialist information service enterprises, contract outsourced services, assist small and mid-size enterprises to move informatization forward with low costs and low risks.

(3) E-government action plans

Standardize the collection and application of basic government affairs information, promote government information openness. Integrate e-government networks, construct government information resource exchange systems, completely support economic regulation, market supervision, social management and public service functions.

Establish e-government planning, budgeting, examination, approval, evaluation and comprehensive coordination mechanisms. Strengthen auditing and supervision of e-government construction investment and input. Clarify the relationships and professional links between programmes that are already established, under construction and to be constructed, progressively form uniform and standardized management systems and effect evaluation structures for e-government budgeting, basic construction, operations and maintenance.

94) Network media information resource exploitation and use plans

Exploit information resources in science and technology, education, press and publications, radio, film and television, literature and art, health, the “Three Rurals”, social security and other such areas, provide the popular masses with the digitized information services they need in production and life, build a number of strong, broadly influential, coordinated and connected Internet backbone website groups. Support the construction of focus State news websites. Encourage the exploitation and use of public interest network media information resources.

Formulate policies and measures, guide and encourage the construction of network media information resources, exploit excellent information products, comprehensively build a healthy network information environment. Focus on researching the laws of Internet communication and the profound influence of new technological developments on online media.

(5) Plans for narrowing the digital divide

Persist in government guidance and social participation, reduce discrepancies in information technology application levels between regions, between town and country, and between different social groups, create a social environment with equality of opportunity and coordinated development.

Expand support strength, comprehensively use all sorts of methods to accelerate the construction of information networks in the Central and Western regions and disseminate information services. Make the reduction of the digital divide between town and country into a focus content of comprehensive plans for economic and social development in town and country, move agricultural informatization and the construction of modern agriculture forward, serve the construction of a new Socialist countryside. Progressively establish free-of-charge or low price public service venues to access the Internet in administrative villages, towns and communities, provide information services in e-government, education and training, healthcare, care for the elderly, etc.

(6) Key information technology indigenous innovation plans.

In integrated circuits (especially central processing unit chips), system software, crucial application software, indigenous and controllable core equipment and other key areas involving indigenous development capacity, aim at the forefront of international innovation, expand input, focus on breakthroughs, progressively grasp the initiative in industrial development.

In mobile telecommunications, digital television, next-generation networking, frequency recognition and other such areas where there is a research basis and market prospects, give priority to start using standards with indigenous intellectual property rights, accelerate product development, popularization and application, drive industrial development.

VII, Guarantee measures for our country’s informatization development

In order to guarantee coordination and continuity in our country’s informatization development, and smoothly deploy our country’s strategic focus points and strategic actions for informatization development, the following guarantee measures are put forward.

(1) Perfect informatization development strategy research and policy systems

Closely follow the process of global informatization development, adapt to the needs of the strategic adjustment of economic structures, industrial upgrading and updating, and the transformation of economic growth methods, consistently deepen strategic research on informatization development, dynamically adjust informatization development objectives.

Make spreading the application of information technology into an important content for revising and perfecting all kinds of industrial policies. Clarify focus points, guarantee funds, raise industrialization to the level of broad application of intelligent tools, raise our country’s overall industrial competitiveness.

Make industrialization into a balancer and booster to stimulate coordinated regional development, enhance complementary advantages between regions and realize comparative advantages of regions with the Great Western Expansion, the North-Eastern Region and other such deployments for revitalizing and transforming old industrial bases, for the emergence of the central region as well as relevant national industrial bases and industry parks.

Formulate and perfect industrial policies for integrated circuits, software, basic electronic products, information security products, information security businesses and other such areas. Research and formulate informatization development policies to support large-scale Central enterprises.

(2) Deepen and perfect structural reform in the area of informatization development.

Perfect market access and withdrawal mechanisms, standardize legal person governance structures, promote fair and effective competition in the operational services market. Encourage and promote all sorts of broadband terminals and access technologies. Encourage professional innovation, provide support in market permits, resource allocation, technology standard, interconnection and interoperability and other such areas.

Research and explore uniform supervision systems that are suited to blend into networks and for the needs of informatization development. With creating an environment of fair competition and protecting consumer interests as focus points, accelerate the transformation of supervision and management ideas. Guard against and prevent improper competition. Progressively establish a telecommunications business pricing system with regulation by markets at the core.

(3) Perfect corresponding financial policies

On the basis of the demands of deepening investment in structural reform and financial structural reform, accelerate the research and formulation of financial policies for informatization, vigorously guide non-State owned capital to participate in informatization construction. Research and formulate financial policies suited to the informatization development of small and mid-size enterprises, perfect corresponding fiscal policies. Foster and develop information technology transfer and intellectual property rights trading markets. Perfect risk investment mechanisms and capital withdrawal mechanisms.

complete and prefect tendering and procurement mechanisms, progressively perfect industrial policies to support the development of the information industry. Expand State financial input in informatization development, support all sorts of fundamental and public interest work that is urgently needed for national informatization development, including the formulation of fundamental standards, research and development of fundamental information resources, the constructing of public Internet service venues, citizens’ information technology training, interdepartmental business system coordination and information sharing applications and programmes, etc. Perfect and strictly implement government procurement policies, give preference to the procurement of domestically-produced information technology products and services, realize the coordination of technological applications, research, development and innovation, and industrial development.

(4) Accelerate the formulation of application norms and technical standards

Strengthen government leadership, rely on major informatization application projects to accelerate the construction of industrial and technological standard systems with enterprises and sector associations as main pillars. Perfect technological structures for the application of information technology technological norms and standards for the industry, for products, etc., stimulate interconnection and interoperability of networks, compatible systems operations and information sharing. Accelerate the formulation of standards for basic information on the population, legal persons and work units, the geographic space, goods coding, etc. Strengthen intellectual property rights protection. Strengthen international cooperation, vigorously participate in the formulation of international standards.

(5) Move the construction of a legal system for informatization forward

Accelerate the process of constructing a legal system for informatization, appropriately deal with the relationships between the formulation, revision and abolition of laws and regulations, formulate and perfect laws and regulations in areas such as information infrastructure, e-commerce, e-government, information security, open government innovation, the protection of personal data and other such areas, create a favourable legal environment for informatization development. On the basis of the needs of information technology applications, timely revise and perfect laws and regulations concerning intellectual property rights, the protection of minors, e-certification and other such areas, strengthen international cooperation and exchange on constructing a legal system for informatization, vigorously participate in the research and formulation of related international norms.

(6) Strengthen Internet governance

Persist in the principles of vigorous development and strengthening management, participate in international dialogues, exchanges and consultations concerning Internet governance, promote the establishment of international Internet governance mechanisms on the basis of sovereignty and fairness. Strengthen sector self-discipline, guide enterprises to do business according to the law. Rationalize management systems, clarify management responsibilities, perfect management structures, correctly deal with the relationship between development and management, shape operational mechanisms that are suited to the laws and characteristics of Internet development.

Persist in the integration of legal, economic and technological means and necessary administrative measures, build governance mechanisms with mutual coordination and cooperation between government, enterprises, sector associations and citizens, with reciprocal rights and obligations, build a positive and healthy development environment for the Internet. Attack the use of the Internet to commit all sorts of unlawful and criminal activities according to the law, promote the healthy development of online information services.

(7) Expand informatization talent teams

Research and establish information talent statistics systems, launch informatization talent demand surveys, draft informatization talent plans, determine informatization talent focus work points. Establish categorized informatization talent guidance catalogues. Determine corresponding professional categories for informatization talents, formulate professional and technical standards.

Abide by the laws for the maturation of informatization talents, use informatization programmes as a pillar to foster high-level talents, innovative talents and comprehensive talents. Give rein to the basic role of market mechanisms in talent resource allocation, give high regard to “marching out and attracting in” work, import foreign talents, encourage foreign scholars to participate in national informatization construction.

(8) Strengthen international exchange and cooperation in informatization

Pay realistic attention to global informatization development trends, establish and perfect international exchange and cooperation mechanisms for informatization. Persist in the principles of equal cooperation and mutual benefit, vigorously participate in multilateral organizations, forcefully stimulate bilateral cooperation. Correctly grasp the new situations in the period of transition after our country acceded to the World Trade Organization, comprehensively plan domestic development and opening up to the outside world, realistically strengthen exchange and cooperation in areas such as information technology, information resources, talent training, etc.

(9) Perfect systems to move informatization forward

Realistically strengthen leadership, all major policy plans and affairs involving informatization must be authorized by the State Leading Group for Informatization. We must grasp the research and establishment of coordination systems to move information systems forward, which conform to the orientation of administrative structural reform, with a rationalized division of work and clear responsibilities. Expand the strength of coordination between government departments, clarify the duties and responsibilities of the central and local governments informatization construction, and strengthen professional guidance over the localities.

All localities and all departments must implement the spirit of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Plenums of the 16th Party Congress, suit measures to local conditions, accelerate the compilation of informatization development plans, formulate scientific informatization statistics and indicator systems, improve methods to evaluate informatization achievements, and perfect statistical assessment systems for national economic and social development, to ensure that informatization blends into the long-term plan for national economic and social development.

中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅关于印发《2006—2020年国家信息化发展战略》的通知

中办发〔2006〕11号各省、自治区、直辖市党委和人民政府,中央和国家机关各部委,解放军各总部、各大单位,各人民团体:《2006—2020年国家信息化发展战略》已经党中央、国务院同意,现印发给你们,请结合实际认真贯彻落实。中共中央办公厅国 务 院 办 公 厅二〇〇六年三月十九日

