“Opinions Concerning Further Strengthening and Improving Propaganda and Ideology Work in Higher Education Under New Circumstances”


January 19, 2015


January 19, 2015

NOTE: This translation was originally published on the China Copyright and Media blog, a project of DigiChina’s Prof. Rogier Creemers of the University of Leiden. It has not been edited, double-checked, or standardized with DigiChina’s original content. Read more. The “Opinion concerning Further Strengthening and Improving Propaganda and Ideology Work in Higher Education Under New Circumstances”, published today, is the latest of a series of documents aimed at imposing stricter political discipline and control in China’s academia. The original document has not been published. The following is a translation of Xinhua’s summary. The Central Committee General Office and the State Council General Office have recently issued the “Opinions concerning Further Strengthening and Improving Propaganda and Ideology Work in Higher Education Under New Circumstances”. The “Opinion” emphatically points out that ideological work is an extremely important work of our Party and our country, higher education is a forward battlefield in ideological work, and shoulders the important tasks of studying, researching and propagating Marxism, fostering and carrying forward the Socialist core value system, and providing talent guarantees and intelligent support for the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Doing higher education propaganda and ideology work well and strengthening the construction of the higher education ideological battlefields are strategic projects, steadfast projects and projects of casting souls, they relate to Party leadership over higher education, relate to the comprehensive implementation of the Party’s educational policies, relate to successors for the undertaking of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have an extremely important and profound significance for consolidating the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological area and consolidating a common ideological basis for the united struggle of the entire Party, the entire country and all the people. The “Opinion” consists of seven parts: I, Strengthening and improving higher education propaganda and ideology work is a major and urgent strategic task; II, guiding ideology, basic principles and main tasks; III, realistically promoting the entry of the theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics into textbooks, classrooms and minds; IV, Forcefully raising the ideological and political quality of higher education teaching teams; V, incessantly expanding higher education mainstream ideology and public opinion; VI, Striving to strengthen management of the higher education propaganda and ideology battlefield; VII, Realistically strengthening Party leadership over higher education propaganda and ideology work. The “Opinion” points out that, under the firm leadership of the Party Centre, the higher education ideology front persists in the correct political orientation and public opinion direction from beginning to end, the ideological and political education of university students has clear achievements, the ideological and political quality of teachers is clearly rising, higher education ideology theory construction has seen new advances, propaganda and ideology battlefield management is strengthened incessantly, Party Committees have unified leadership, structures and mechanisms for joint management by the Party, governments and the Youth League have been progressively perfected, making important contributions to running and education that satisfies the people and safeguarding the bigger picture of reform, development and stability. The mainstream of the higher education propaganda and ideology field is positive, healthy and upward, the broad teachers and students give their wholehearted support to Party leadership, they have full faith in the Party Centre with Xi Jinping as General Secretary, and are brimming with confidence concerning the undertaking of Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The “Opinion” points out that the guiding ideology for strengthening and improving higher education propaganda and ideology work under new circumstance is: hold high the magnificent banner of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important “Three Represents” thought and the scientific development view as guidance, deeply implement the spirit of the 18th Party Congress and its 2nd and 3rd Plenums, deeply implement the spirit of the series of important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping, comprehensively implement the Party’s education policies, strengthen political consciousness, sense of responsibility, sense of the battlefield and sense of the baselines, take virtuous education as the basic task, take deeply moving forward with the entry of the theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics into textbooks, classrooms and minds as the main line, take raising teaching teams’ ideological and political quality and teaching abilities as the basis, take strengthening higher education online battlefield construction as a focus point, vigorously foster and practice the Socialist core value system, incessantly persist in firmly broadening teachers’ and students’ self-confidence about the path, self-confidence about the theory and self-confidence about the system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, foster builders and inheritors of Socialism that are comprehensively developed in virtue, wisdom, body and beauty. The “Opinion” points out that the basic principles of strengthening and improving higher education propaganda and ideology work under new circumstances are: (1) persist in the principle of the Party spirit and strengthen responsibility. Realistically bear political responsibilities and leadership responsibilities, raise leadership levels, strengthen the ability to control, dare to grasp, dare to manage and dare to unsheathe the sword, ensure that people have the responsibility to protect the land, take the responsibility to protect the land, and fulfil the responsibility to protect the land. (2) Persist in putting education central, and moral education first. Put firm ideals and convictions first, persist in using the theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics to arm teachers’ and students’ mind from beginning to end, guarantee the Socialist orientation in education. (3) Persist in treating both root causes and symptoms, put the brunt on construction. Strengthen management according to the law, focus on strengthening institutional construction, build higher education into a strong battlefield for studying, researching and propagating Marxism. (4) Persist in reform and innovation, stress real results. Correctly grasp the ideological status of teachers and students, innovate work ideas, methods and means, integrate the resolution of ideological problems with the resolution of real problems, incessantly strengthen focus and effectiveness. (5) Persist in joint control and management, shape joint forces. Promote cooperation and coordination inside and outside of schools, support and participation from all of society, build a new structure of higher education propaganda and ideology work in higher education. The “Opinion” points out that the main tasks of strengthening and improving higher education propaganda work under new circumstances are: (1) Strengthen ideals and convictions, deeply launch propaganda and education about Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese dream, strengthen the construction of ideology and theory in higher education, strengthen the construction of academic theory systems and academic discourse systems for higher education philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics and the characteristics of the times, further strengthen theoretical identification, political identification and emotional identification, incessantly stimulate the huge enthusiasm of the broad teachers and students to throw themselves into the undertaking of reform and opening up, and concentrate hearts and minds to build the Chinese dream together. (2) Consolidate a common ideological and moral basis, forcefully strengthen education about the Socialist core value system, make fostering and carrying forward the Socialist core value system into a basic project for concentrating souls and energy, strengthening the basis and consolidating roots, carry forward a Chinese spirit, carry forward China’s traditional virtues, strengthen moral education and practice, improve the ideological and moral quality of teachers and students, internalize the Socialist core value system into hearts and externalize it into deeds, and make it become the value pursuit and conscious act of the whole body of teachers and students. (3) Expand mainstream ideology and public opinion, realistically strengthen higher education ideology guidance and management, expand and strengthen positive propaganda, strengthen national security education, strengthen education about a view of the country and the unity of the nation, manage the orientation well, manage the battlefield well and manage teams well, firmly resist infiltration by hostile forces, closely grasp the leadership power and discourse power in higher education ideology work, incessantly consolidate the guiding position of Marxism. (4) Promote cultural inheritance and innovation, build a university culture with Chinese characteristics that reflects the demands of the times, foster and carry forward a university spirit, build higher education into a demonstration area and source of radiation for the construction of spiritual culture, inherit and carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture, stimulate the construction of Socialist advanced culture, strengthen national cultural soft power. (5) Stand on the comprehensive development of university students, strive to build an education structure involving all persons, all processes and all directions, create long-term mechanisms for education through books, through practice, through scientific research, management and service, strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility, innovative spirits and practical abilities, comprehensively implement the basic task of virtuous education, strive to ensure education that satisfies the people. The “Opinion” points out that we must realistically promote that the theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics enters textbooks, enters classrooms and enters minds. It stresses that we must uniformly use focus teaching materials from the Marxist theory research and construction project, enter the uniform use of project focus textbooks into corresponding specialist training plans and education plans, make project focus textbooks into national-level focus plan textbooks, make the usage situation of project focus textbooks into an important content for educational evaluation. We must construct higher education ideology and political theory classes that students sincerely love and generate lifelong benefits, implement higher education ideology and political theory class construction system innovation plans, comprehensively deepen comprehensive reform of course construction, compile textbooks well, built teams well and grasp education well, and realistically run good ideology and political theory classes. Higher education must formulate ideology and political theory class construction plans, give preference to guaranteeing ideology and political theory class construction in terms of development plans, financial input and public resource use, and give full regard to ideology and political theory course teachers in areas such as talent training, research project establishment, awards and commendations, appointments (professional selection) and other such areas, ensuring the focus construction position of ideology and political theory classes in the higher education system. We must strive to strengthen the focus and effectiveness of university students’ ideological and political education, start projects to enhance the quality of university students’ ideological and political education, deeply launch education about Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese Dream, strengthen education about the history of the Party, the history of the country, and circumstances, tasks and policies, let the Socialist core value system merge into the entire process of higher education, perfect education about China’s excellent traditional culture, give high regard to education about the unity of the nation, vigorously launch propaganda and education about the Marxist view of ethnicity and view of religion, the Party’s ethnic and religious policies and corresponding laws and regulations, broadly launch all sorts of social practices and public interest activities, strengthen higher education mental health education and the construction of consulting and demonstration centres, and perform professional guidance and financial assistance work for students from households with economic difficulties. We must give full rein to the function of higher education in philosophy and social science, deepen educational and teaching reform in philosophy and social science, fully excavate ideology and political education resources in philosophy and social science courses, establish and complete philosophy and social science talent training and quality standard systems that conform to our national circumstances, formulate and implement national quality standards for teaching in Marxist theory, journalism and communication, law, economics, politics, sociology, ethnic studies, philosophy, history and other relevant specializations, start the implementation of fostering plants for outstanding Marxism theory talents, deeply implement fostering plants for outstanding journalism and communication talents and legal talents. We must enhance the leading rule of the Marxist theory discipline and implement pilot projects for the Marxism theory discipline, improve Marxism theory discipline evaluation methods, focus on the construction of a batch of Marxism theory research and construction innovation basis, compile a batch of core materials for disciplinary Marxism theory research, foster a batch of Marxism theory discipline leaders, train a batch of Marxism theory educators and focus on building a batch of Marxism institutes with a demonstrative influence. The “Opinion” points out that we must forcefully raise the ideological and political qualities of higher education teaching teams. It stresses that we must strengthen teachers’ ideological and political work, unwaveringly use the theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics to arm teachers’ minds, further complete teachers’ political theory study systems, implement academic security training systems, deeply move forward with advanced study work of philosophy and social science teaching and research backbone and ideology and political theory backbone teachers, establish social practice and extra-mural detachment systems for middle-age and young teachers, and give high regard to developing Party members among excellent young teachers. We must firmly move forward teachers’ morality construction, implement higher education teachers’ professional ethical norms, perfect long-term mechanisms for teachers’ morality construction, implement veto systems for teaching morality, perfect and strengthen higher education study style construction methods, and complete investigation and prosecution methods for improper academic behaviour. We must strictly keep the teaching appointment and assessment politics gate and explore regular registration systems for teachers. The “Opinion” points out that we must incessantly expand mainstream ideology and public opinion in higher education. It stresses that we must firmly move forward the construction of higher education ideology and theory, move forward the construction of higher education philosophy and social science innovation systems, vigorously participate in Marxist theory research and construction projects, strengthen the construction of the Research Centre for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and other such focus bases, establish and set up a batch of authoritative academic Marxist theory research journals, deeply implement the “Young Marxist Fostering Project”, foster a large batch of political cadres among young teachers and students, and bring up a line of ideology and theory construction teams with firm politics, profound accomplishments and a great influence. We must enhance the ability to research and respond to major questions, implement plants to move forward the construction of new kinds of higher education think tanks with Chinese characteristics, regularly launch surveys on the ideological and political status of teachers and students, establish and complete higher education philosophy and social science research classification and appraisal systems, and perfect evaluation mechanisms with quality and contributions as guidance. We must strengthen the construction of philosophy and social science academic discourse systems, organize the organization of lectures by famous higher education teachers, that famous theoreticians go into society and other such activities, promote higher education philosophy and social science to “march out”, support Chinese and foreign scholars to launch cooperative research around China’s development and major questions of a global nature. We must realistically do higher education news and propaganda work well, perfect structures for news information dissemination and news spokespersons, further enhance writing styles and work styles in higher education news and propaganda, establish joint propaganda mechanisms with three parties: higher education, propaganda departments and news media, to create a beneficial public opinion environment for higher education reform and development. We must innovate online ideology and political education, launch special trials for online culture construction on higher education campuses, forcefully move forward the construction of digitized school newspapers and periodicals, explore the establishment of accreditation mechanisms for excellent online articles in research achievement statistics and professional evaluation, strive to foster a batch of famous online teachers with the correct orientation and a broad influence, construct and run a batch of famous online websites and columns that stick close to teachers’ and students’ study and life based on campus websites, establish a line of online propaganda teams composed of students and young teaching backbones, create demonstration ideology and theory educational resource websites, student’s topical education websites and online interactive communities, and move forward the construction of new online media such as student coaching blogs, ideology and political theory course teachers’ blogs, educational affairs microblogs, public campus WeChat accounts, etc. The “Opinion” points out that we must strive to strengthen higher education propaganda and ideology battlefield management. It stresses that we must strengthen campus cybersecurity management, strengthen the construction of higher education campus website unions, and strengthen the construction of higher education online information management systems. We must strengthen higher education classroom discipline, formulate rules to strengthen higher education classroom management, and complete classroom management systems. We must perfect propaganda and ideology battlefield management systems, strengthen higher education philosophy and social science achievement dissemination management, establish higher education publishing quality supervision and inspection systems, formulate he establishment of student communities and annual inspection systems, strengthen the management of teaching and research bodies specialized in religious studies and strengthen anti-superstition propaganda and education work on campuses. The “Opinion” finally stresses that we must realistically strengthen Party leadership over higher education propaganda and ideology work. We must perfect higher education propaganda and ideology work mechanisms, higher education Party Committees must strengthen their political responsibility and leadership responsibility, Party Committee secretaries and heads of schools must stand in the first line of ideological work with clear banners flying, fully give rein to the leading core role of higher education Party Committees, persist in and perfect head of school responsibility systems under the leadership of Party Committees, establish and perfect work mechanisms with uniform leadership by higher education Party Committees, in which the Party, government and the Youth League grasps and manages affairs together, in close coordination with Party Committee propaganda departments, and participation from relevant departments and institutes (faculties), fully give rein to the role of institute (faculty) Party organizations in guaranteeing supervision, strengthen the construction of the Communist Youth League in higher education, accelerate the formulation and approval of higher education codes of conduct. We must jointly build strong higher education propaganda and ideology work teams, comprehensively plan and move forward with the construction of higher education Party and government cadres and Communist Youth league cadres, ideological and political theory course teachers and philosophy and social science teachers, tutors, class teachers, mental counselling teachers and other such propaganda and ideology work backbone teams, organize awards and commendations for advanced collectives and advanced individuals in the nationwide education system, persist in high standards for higher education propaganda and ideology work cadres, that the post of head of propaganda in higher education Party Committees is held by a standing committee member of the school’s Party Committee, and strengthen the fostering of higher education propaganda and ideology work talent. We must build a large structure for higher education propaganda and ideology work, all levels’ Party Committees and governments must, from the heights of strategy and the overall picture, fully understand the extreme importance and real urgency of strengthening and improving higher education propaganda and ideology work, put this work in an important position from beginning to end, and realistically strengthen leadership.   新华网北京1月19日电 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅最近印发《关于进一步加强和改进新形势下高校宣传思想工作的意见》。《意见》强调指出,意识形态工作是党和国家一项极端重要的工作,高校作为意识形态工作前沿阵地,肩负着学习研究宣传马克思主义,培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供人才保障和智力支持的重要任务。做好高校宣传思想工作,加强高校意识形态阵地建设,是一项战略工程、固本工程、铸魂工程,事关党对高校的领导,事关全面贯彻党的教育方针,事关中国特色社会主义事业后继有人,对于巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,巩固全党全国人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础,具有十分重要而深远的意义。《意见》分七个部分:一、加强和改进高校宣传思想工作是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务;二、指导思想、基本原则和主要任务;三、切实推动中国特色社会主义理论体系进教材进课堂进头脑;四、大力提高高校教师队伍思想政治素质;五、不断壮大高校主流思想舆论;六、着力加强高校宣传思想阵地管理;七、切实加强党对高校宣传思想工作的领导。《意见》指出,在党中央坚强领导下,高校宣传思想战线始终坚持正确政治方向和舆论导向,大学生思想政治教育成效显著,教师思想政治素质明显提高,高校思想理论建设取得新进展,宣传思想阵地管理不断加强,党委统一领导、党政工团齐抓共管的体制机制逐步完善,为办好人民满意教育、维护改革发展稳定大局作出了重要贡献。高校宣传思想领域主流积极健康向上,广大师生对党的领导衷心拥护,对以习近平同志为总书记的党中央充分信赖,对中国特色社会主义事业和实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦充满信心。《意见》指出,加强和改进新形势下高校宣传思想工作的指导思想是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届二中、三中全会精神,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,全面贯彻党的教育方针,强化政治意识、责任意识、阵地意识和底线意识,以立德树人为根本任务,以深入推进中国特色社会主义理论体系进教材进课堂进头脑为主线,以提高教师队伍思想政治素质和育人能力为基础,以加强高校网络等阵地建设为重点,积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,不断坚定广大师生中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。《意见》指出,加强和改进新形势下高校宣传思想工作的基本原则是:(1)坚持党性原则、强化责任。切实担负起政治责任和领导责任,提高领导水平,增强驾驭能力,敢抓敢管、敢于亮剑,做到守土有责、守土负责、守土尽责。(2)坚持育人为本、德育为先。把坚定理想信念放在首位,始终坚持用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装师生头脑,确保社会主义办学方向。(3)坚持标本兼治、重在建设。强化依法管理,着力加强制度建设,把高校建设成为学习研究宣传马克思主义的坚强阵地。(4)坚持改革创新、注重实效。准确把握师生思想状况,创新工作理念和方式方法,把解决思想问题与解决实际问题结合起来,不断增强针对性实效性。(5)坚持齐抓共管、形成合力。推动校内外协同配合、全社会支持参与,构建高校宣传思想工作新格局。《意见》指出,加强和改进新形势下高校宣传思想工作的主要任务是:(1)坚定理想信念,深入开展中国特色社会主义和中国梦宣传教育,加强高校思想理论建设,加强具有中国特色、时代特征的高校哲学社会科学学术理论体系和学术话语体系建设,进一步增强理论认同、政治认同、情感认同,不断激发广大师生投身改革开放事业的巨大热情,凝心聚力共筑中国梦。(2)巩固共同思想道德基础,大力加强社会主义核心价值观教育,把培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观作为凝魂聚气、强基固本的基础工程,弘扬中国精神,弘扬中华传统美德,加强道德教育和实践,提升师生思想道德素质,使社会主义核心价值观内化于心、外化于行,成为全体师生的价值追求和自觉行动。(3)壮大主流思想舆论,切实加强高校意识形态引导管理,做大做强正面宣传,加强国家安全教育,加强国家观和民族团结教育,管好导向、管好阵地、管好队伍,坚决抵御敌对势力渗透,牢牢掌握高校意识形态工作领导权、话语权,不断巩固马克思主义指导地位。(4)推动文化传承创新,建设具有中国特色、体现时代要求的大学文化,培育和弘扬大学精神,把高校建设成为精神文明建设示范区和辐射源,继承和发扬中华优秀传统文化,促进社会主义先进文化建设,增强国家文化软实力。(5)立足学生全面发展,努力构建全员全过程全方位育人格局,形成教书育人、实践育人、科研育人、管理育人、服务育人长效机制,增强学生社会责任感、创新精神和实践能力,全面落实立德树人根本任务,努力办好人民满意教育。《意见》指出,要切实推动中国特色社会主义理论体系进教材进课堂进头脑。强调要统一使用马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重点教材,把统一使用工程重点教材纳入相关专业人才培养方案和教学计划,把工程重点教材作为国家级重点规划教材,把工程重点教材使用情况作为教学评估的重要内容。要建设学生真心喜爱、终身受益的高校思想政治理论课,实施高校思想政治理论课建设体系创新计划,全面深化课程建设综合改革,编好教材,建好队伍,抓好教学,切实办好思想政治理论课。高校要制定思想政治理论课建设规划,在学校发展规划、经费投入、公共资源使用中优先保障思想政治理论课建设,在人才培养、科研立项、评优表彰、岗位聘用(职务评聘)等方面充分重视思想政治理论课教师,确保思想政治理论课在高校教学体系中的重点建设地位。要着力增强大学生思想政治教育针对性实效性,启动大学生思想政治教育质量提升工程,深入开展中国特色社会主义和中国梦教育,加强党史国史和形势任务政策教育,把社会主义核心价值观融入高等教育全过程,完善中华优秀传统文化教育,高度重视民族团结教育,积极开展马克思主义民族观宗教观、党的民族宗教政策和相关法律法规的宣传教育,广泛开展各类社会实践和公益活动,加强高校心理健康教育与咨询示范中心建设,做好就业指导和家庭经济困难学生资助工作。要充分发挥高校哲学社会科学育人功能,深化哲学社会科学教育教学改革,充分挖掘哲学社会科学课程的思想政治教育资源,建立健全符合国情的哲学社会科学人才培养质量标准体系,制定实施马克思主义理论、新闻传播学、法学、经济学、政治学、社会学、民族学、哲学、历史学等相关专业类教学质量国家标准,启动实施卓越马克思主义理论人才培养计划,深入实施卓越新闻传播人才、法律人才培养计划。要提升马克思主义理论学科的引领作用,实施马克思主义理论学科领航计划,改革马克思主义理论学科评价方式,重点建好一批马克思主义理论研究和建设创新基地,编写一批马克思主义理论学科研究生核心教材,培养一批马克思主义理论学科带头人,造就一批马克思主义理论教育家,重点建设一批有示范影响的马克思主义学院。《意见》指出,要大力提高高校教师队伍思想政治素质。强调要着力加强教师思想政治工作,坚持不懈用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装教师头脑,进一步健全教师政治理论学习制度,实行学术安全培训制度,深入推进哲学社会科学教学科研骨干和思想政治理论课骨干教师研修工作,建立中青年教师社会实践和校外挂职制度,重视在优秀青年教师中发展党员。要扎实推进师德建设,落实高校教师职业道德规范,完善师德建设长效机制,实行师德一票否决制,完善加强高校学风建设办法,健全学术不端行为监督查处机制。要严把教师聘用考核政治关,探索教师定期注册制度。《意见》指出,要不断壮大高校主流思想舆论。强调要扎实推进高校思想理论建设,推进高校哲学社会科学创新体系建设,积极参与马克思主义理论研究和建设工程,加强中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心等重点基地建设,建设和创办一批权威的马克思主义理论研究学术期刊,深入实施“青年马克思主义者培养工程”,在青年教师和学生中培养一大批政治骨干,造就一支政治坚定、学养深厚、有重要影响的思想理论建设队伍。要提升研究回答重大问题的能力,实施中国特色新型高校智库建设推进计划,定期开展师生思想政治状况调研,建立健全高校哲学社会科学研究分类评价体系,完善以质量和贡献为导向的评价机制。要加强哲学社会科学学术话语体系建设,组织开展高校名师大讲堂、理论名家社会行等活动,推动高校哲学社会科学“走出去”,支持中外学者围绕中国发展和全球性重大问题开展合作研究。要切实做好高校新闻宣传工作,完善新闻信息发布和新闻发言人制度,进一步改进高校新闻宣传的文风作风,建立高校、宣传部门、新闻媒体三方联动宣传机制,为高校改革发展营造良好舆论氛围。要创新网络思想政治教育,开展高校校园网络文化建设专项试点工作,大力推进校报校刊数字化建设,探索建立优秀网络文章在科研成果统计、职务职称评聘方面的认定机制,着力培育一批导向正确、影响力广的网络名师,立足校园网站建设开办一批贴近师生学习生活的网络名站名栏,建设一支由学生和青年教师骨干组成的网络宣传员队伍,打造示范性思想理论教育资源网站、学生主题教育网站和网络互动社区,推进辅导员博客、思想政治理论课教师博客、校务微博、校园微信公众账号等网络新媒体建设。《意见》指出,要着力加强高校宣传思想阵地管理。强调要加强校园网络安全管理,加强高校校园网站联盟建设,加强高校网络信息管理系统建设。要强化高校课堂教学纪律,制定加强高校课堂教学管理办法,健全课堂教学管理体系。要完善宣传思想阵地管理制度,加强高校哲学社会科学成果发布管理,建立高校出版质量监督检查体系,制定大学生社团的成立和年度检查制度,加强宗教学学科专业教学科研机构管理,加强校园反邪教宣传教育工作。《意见》最后强调,要切实加强党对高校宣传思想工作的领导。要完善高校宣传思想工作机制,高校党委要强化政治责任和领导责任,党委书记、校长要旗帜鲜明地站在意识形态工作第一线,充分发挥高校党委的领导核心作用,坚持和完善党委领导下的校长负责制,建立健全高校党委统一领导、党政工团齐抓共管、党委宣传部门牵头协调、有关部门和院(系)共同参与的工作机制,充分发挥院(系)党组织保证监督作用,加强高校共青团建设,加快推进高校章程制定和核准工作。要配齐建强高校宣传思想工作队伍,统筹推进高校党政干部和共青团干部、思想政治理论课教师和哲学社会科学课教师、辅导员班主任和心理咨询教师等宣传思想工作骨干队伍建设,组织全国教育系统先进集体和先进个人评选表彰,坚持高标准选配高校宣传思想工作干部,高校党委宣传部长由学校党委常委兼任,加强高校宣传思想工作人才培养。要构建高校宣传思想工作大格局,各级党委和政府要从战略和全局的高度,充分认识加强和改进高校宣传思想工作的极端重要性和现实紧迫性,把这项工作始终摆在重要位置,切实加强领导。