Provisional Management Regulations for the International Connection of Computer Information Networks of the People’s Republic of China


February 1, 1996


February 1, 1996

NOTE: This translation was originally published on the China Copyright and Media blog, a project of DigiChina’s Prof. Rogier Creemers of the University of Leiden. It has not been edited, double-checked, or standardized with DigiChina’s original content. Read more.

State Council of the People’s Republic of China Decree

No. 195

The “Provisional Management Regulations for the International Connection of Computer Information Networks of the People’s Republic of China” were passed at the 42th Regular Meeting of the State Council on 23 January 1996, and are hereby promulgated and implemented.

Premier: Li Peng

1 February 1996

Provisional Management Regulations for the International Connection of Computer Information Networks of the People’s Republic of China

Article 1: In order to strengthen management over the international connection of computer information networks, and ensure the healthy development of international computer information exchange, these Regulations are formulated.

Article 2: The international connection of computer information networks within the borders of the People’s Republic of China shall be handled according to these Regulations.

Article 3: The meaning of the following terms in these Regulations is:

(1) Computer information network international connection (hereafter simply named international connection) refers to linkage of computer information networks inside the borders of the People’s Republic of China with foreign computer information networks in order to realize international information exchange.

(2) Connected network, refers to computer information networks directly conducting international connection; connecting work units refers to work units responsible for the operation of connected networks.

(3) Accessing network, refers to computer information networks conducting international connection through accessing connected networks; accessing work units refers to work units responsible for the operation of accessing networks.

Article 4: The State implements the principles of comprehensive plans, uniform standards, tiered management and stimulating development for connected networks.

Article 5: The State Council Economic Informatization Leading Group (hereafter simply named Leading Group) is responsible for coordinating and resolving major issues related to international connection work.

The Leading Group Office will formulate concrete management rules according to these Regulations, to clarify the rights, duties and responsibilities of work units providing international entry and exit channels, connecting work units, accessing work units and users, and are responsible for the inspection and supervision of international connection work.

Article 6: Computer information networks directly conducting international access must use international entry and exit channels provided by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications’ public telecommunications networks. 

No work nut or individual may establish their own or use other information channels for international connection.

Article 7: Already connected networks will, on the basis of relevant State Council regulations, after restructuring, respectively be managed by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Electronic Industry, the State Committee for Education, and the Chinese Academy of Science.

Newly built connected networks must be reported to the State Council for examination and approval.

Article 8: Accessing networks must conduct international connection through connected networks.

Work units planning to establish an accessing network shall report to the competent department of the connecting work unit or the competent work unit for examination and approval; when conducting examination and approval formalities, they shall provide information such as the nature of the computer network, scope of application, address of the necessary host, etc. 

Article 9: Accessing work units must meet the following conditions:

(1) Being a lawfully established enterprise legal person or undertaking legal person;

(2) Having corresponding computer information networks, equipment as well as corresponding technical personnel and management personnel;

(3) Having complete security and secrecy protection management rules and technical protection measures;

(4) Meeting other conditions in laws and State Council regulations.

Article 10: Where individuals, legal persons and other organizations (hereafter jointly named users) using computers or computer information networks need to conduct international connection, they must conduct international connection through accessing networks.

Where computers or computer information networks as provided in the previous Paragraph need to access accessing networks, they shall obtain agreement from the accessing work unit, and conduct registration formalities.

Article 11: Work units providing international entry and exit channels, connecting work units and accessing work units shall establish corresponding network management centres, strengthen management over their work units and their users according to laws and relevant State regulations, perform network information security management work well, and ensure users are provided with good and secure services.

Article 12: Connecting work units and accessing work units shall be responsible for technical training and management education work concerning international connection of their work unit and their users.

Article 13: Work units and individuals engaging in international connection business shall observe relevant State laws and administrative regulations, strictly execute security and secrecy protection rules, and may not use international connection to engage in unlawful and criminal activities harming national security and divulging State secrets, etc., they may not produce, consult, reproduce or disseminate information impeding social public order, obscene or sexual and other such information.

Article 14: Those violating the provisions of Article 6, Article 8 and Article 10, will be issued with a warning, reported for criticism, or ordered to cease connection by public security bodies or public security bodies on the basis of advice from work units providing international entry and exit channel, connecting work units or accessing work units, a fine of 15.000 Yuan or less may additionally be imposed.

Article 15: Those who, in violation of these Regulations, simultaneously offend other relevant laws and administrative regulations, they will be punished according to the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations; where it constitutes a crime, criminal liability will be prosecuted according to the law.

Article 16: Computer information network connection with the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau will be executed with reference to these Regulations.

Article 17: These Regulations take effect on the date of promulgation.

中华人民共和国国务院令 (第195号)


                             总理 李鹏                           1996年2月1日          中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际              联网管理暂行规定

  第一条 为了加强对计算机信息网络国际联网的管理,保障国际计算机信息交流的健康发展,制定本规定。

  第二条 中华人民共和国境内的计算机信息网络进行国际联网,应当依照本规定办理。

  第三条 本规定下列用语的含义是:  (一)计算机信息网络国际联网(以下简称国际联网),是指中华人民共和国境内的计算机信息网络为实现信息的国际交流,同外国的计算机信息网络相联接。  (二)互联网络,是指直接进行国际联网的计算机信息网络;互联单位,是指负责互联网络运行的单位。  (三)接入网络,是指通过接入互联网络进行国际联网的计算机信息网络;接入单位,是指负责接入网络运行的单位。

  第四条 国家对国际联网实行统筹规划、统一标准、分级管理、促进发展的原则。

  第五条 国务院经济信息化领导小组(以下简称领导小组),负责协调、解决有关国际联网工作中的重大问题。  领导小组办公室按照本规定制定具体管理办法,明确国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位、接入单位和用户的权利、义务和责任,并负责对国际联网工作的检查监督。

  第六条 计算机信息网络直接进行国际联网,必须使用邮电部国家公用电信网提供的国际出入口信道。  任何单位和个人不得自行建立或者使用其他信道进行国际联网。

  第七条 已经建立的互联网络,根据国务院有关规定调整后,分别由邮电部、电子工业部、国家教育委员会和中国科学院管理。  新建互联网络,必须报经国务院批准。

  第八条 接入网络必须通过互联网络进行国际联网。  拟建立接入网络的单位,应当报经互联单位的主管部门或者主管单位审批;办理审批手续时,应当提供其计算机信息网络的性质、应用范围和所需主机地址等资料。

  第九条 接入单位必须具备下列条件:  (一)是依法设立的企业法人或者事业法人;  (二)具有相应的计算机信息网络、装备以及相应的技术人员和管理人员;  (三)具有健全的安全保密管理制度和技术保护措施;  (四)符合法律和国务院规定的其他条件。

  第十条 个人、法人和其他组织(以下统称用户)使用的计算机或者计算机信息网络,需要进行国际联网的,必须通过接入网络进行国际联网。  前款规定的计算机或者计算机信息网络,需要接入接入网络的,应当征得接入单位的同意,并办理登记手续。

  第十一条 国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位和接入单位,应当建立相应的网络管理中心,依照法律和国家有关规定加强对本单位及其用户的管理,做好网络信息安全管理工作,确保为用户提供良好、安全的服务。

  第十二条 互联单位与接入单位,应当负责本单位及其用户有关国际联网的技术培训和管理教育工作。

  第十三条 从事国际联网业务的单位和个人,应当遵守国家有关法律、行政法规,严格执行安全保密制度,不得利用国际联网从事危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密等违法犯罪活动,不得制作、查阅、复制和传播妨碍社会治安的信息和淫秽色情等信息。

  第十四条 违反本规定第六条、第八条和第十条规定的,由公安机关或者公安机关根据国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位、接入单位的意见,给予警告、通报批评、责令停止联网,可以并处15000元以下的罚款。

  第十五条 违反本规定,同时触犯其他有关法律、行政法规的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第十六条 与台湾、香港、澳门地区的计算机信息网络的联网,参照本规定执行。

  第十七条 本规定自发布之日起施行。