This version of the Cybersecurity Review Measures was published Dec. 28, 2021, and takes effect Feb. 15, 2022, replacing the that took effect June 1, 2020. Most of the changes are captured in DigiChina's comparison of the 2020 version with a draft of this revision that was published in July 2021. The translated text below was produced by Rogier Creemers based on the previous DigiChina translations. The introductory text below is by Graham Webster.
China's Cybersecurity Review system gained international attention in 2021 when the Cyberspace Administration of China announced it had initiated a review under the measures of the ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing, just after the company had completed an initial public offering in a U.S. market. As DigiChina reported at the time, "reviews under those Measures focus on security implications stemming from procurement and installation of 'network products and services,'" and it was unclear how the IPO might or might not be legally related.
As the regulatory moves against Didi escalated, the CAC released a draft revision to those measures that, most substantially, added language (finalized in Article 7 below) requiring cybersecurity review for network service operators that handle more than 1 million users' data.
A Q&A published by the CAC after this final text was released clarified that, for entities subject to the pre-IPO review requirement, they are to file for cybersecurity review with the CAC before submitting listing paperwork to a foreign exchange. The term used for "foreign" (国外, literally "outside the country," as opposed to 境外, which generally refers both to foreign countries and to People's Republic of China territory outside the mainland, such as Hong Kong) may suggest that Hong Kong markets would not be considered foreign for purposes of these rules, but at time of writing I have not seen public confirmation of Hong Kong's status either way under these rules. –Graham Webster
Cybersecurity Review Measures
Cyberspace Administration of China
National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Bank of China
People's Bank of China
State Administration of Market Supervision
State Administration of Press, Publications, Radio, Film and Television
China Securities Regulatory Commission
State Secrets Bureau
State Cryptography Administration
Decree No. 8
The "Cybersecurity Review Measures" were deliberated and passed on Nov. 16, 2021 at the 20th departmental affairs meeting of the Cyberspace Administration of China, and has been agreed to by the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, People's Bank of China, State Administration of Market Supervision, State Administration of Press, Publications, Radio, Film and Television, China Securities Regulatory Commission, State Secrets Bureau, and State Cryptography Administration; they are hereby promulgated and take effect on Feb. 15, 2022.
Cyberspace Administration of China, Director: Zhuang Rongwen
National Development and Reform Commission, Director: He Lifeng
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Minister: Xiao Yaqing
Ministry of Public Security, Minister: Zhao Kezhi
Ministry of State Security, Minister: Chen Wenqing
Ministry of Finance, Minister: Liu Kun
Ministry of Commerce, Minister: Wang Wentao
People's Bank of China, Governor: Yi Gang
State Administration of Market Supervision, Director: Zhang Gong
State Administration of Press, Publications, Radio, Film and Television, Director: Nie Chenxi
China Securities Regulatory Commission, Chair: Yi Huiman
State Secrets Bureau, Director: Li Zhaozong
State Cryptography Administration, Liu Dongfang
Article 1: In order to ensure critical information infrastructure (CII) supply chain security, ensure cybersecurity and data security, and defend national security, in accordance with the “National Security Law of the People’s Republic of China,” the “Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China,” the “Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China,” and the “Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection Regulations,” these measures are formulated.
Article 2: Critical information infrastructure operators procuring network products and services and online platform operators conducting data handling activities that influence or may influence national security shall conduct a cybersecurity review according to these measures.
Critical information infrastructure operators and online platform operators as mentioned in the previous Paragraph are jointly referred to as parties.
Article 3: Cybersecurity reviews persist in the integration of preventing cybersecurity risks and the application of advanced technology; the integration of a fair and transparent process and the protection of intellectual property rights; the integration of prior review and ongoing supervision; and the integration of enterprise commitment and social supervision; and they conduct reviews on aspects such as the security of products, services and data handling activities, and the national security risks they could bring about.
Article 4: Under the leadership of the Central Commission for Cybersecurity and Informatization, the Cyberspace Administration of China, with the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Industry and Informatization of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of State Security of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, the People’s Bank of China, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the National Radio and Television Administration, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the National Administration of State Secrets Protection, and the State Encryption Management Bureau, establishes the cybersecurity review work mechanism.
The Cybersecurity Review Office resides in the Cyberspace Administration of China with the responsibility of formulating cybersecurity review systems and standards and organizing cybersecurity reviews.
Article 5: CII operators that purchase network products and services shall anticipate the potential national security risk of products and services after they enter operation. If they influence or could influence national security, a cybersecurity review shall be reported to the Cybersecurity Review Office.
CII protection security work departments may formulate guidelines [for anticipating risk] in their industry or sector.
Article 6: Regarding purchasing activities that are to undergo cybersecurity review, CII operators shall require product and service providers to cooperate with the cybersecurity review through procurement documents or agreements, etc., including a commitment not to exploit the supply of products and services as a convenient way to illegally gain access to user data, illegally control and operate user equipment, or break off product supply or necessary technical support without reasonable grounds.
Article 7: Online platform operators holding the personal information of more than 1 million users and newly listing on foreign markets must report for cybersecurity review with the Cybersecurity Review Office.
Article 8: Parties submitting to a cybersecurity review shall submit the following materials:
- A written declaration;
- An analytic report on the influence or possible influence on national security;
- A procurement document, agreement, contract to be signed, Initial Public Offering (IPO) materials prepared for submission, and other such listing application documents;
- Other materials required for cybersecurity review work.
Article 9: The Cybersecurity Review Office shall determine whether a review is needed and provide written notice to the party within 10 working days of receiving the review declaration materials compliant with Article 8 of these Measures.
Article 10: The cybersecurity review process focuses on assessing the following factors in the potential national security risks brought about by related counterparts or circumstances
- The risk that the use of products and services could bring about the illegal control of, interference with, or destruction of CII;
- The harm to CII business continuity of product and service supply disruptions;
- The security, openness, transparency, and diversity of sources of products and services; the reliability of supply channels, as well as the risk of supply disruptions due to political, diplomatic, and trade factors;
- Product and service providers’ compliance with Chinese national laws, regulations, and department rules;
- The risk that core data, important data or large amounts of personal information are stolen, leaked, damaged, or illegally used or illegally exported;
- The risk existing that due to listing, CII, core data, important data, or large amounts of personal information are affected, controlled, or maliciously used by foreign governments, as well as cybersecurity risks;
- Other factors that could harm CII security, cybersecurity and data security.
Article 11: If the Cybersecurity Review Office deems it necessary to launch a cybersecurity review, it shall complete a preliminary review within 30 working days of issuing written notice to the party, including forming suggested review conclusions and transmitting them to the cybersecurity review work mechanism member units and relevant departments for opinions. In cases involving complex situations, the review may be extended an additional 15 working days.
Article 12: The cybersecurity review working mechanism member units and relevant departments shall respond with their opinions in writing within 15 days of receiving the suggested review conclusion.
If the member units of the cybersecurity review mechanism and relevant departments are in agreement, the Cybersecurity Review Office will formally notify the party of the review conclusion in writing. If the opinions are inconsistent, the special review procedures shall be followed and the party shall be notified.
Article 13: In accordance with the special review procedures, the Cybersecurity Review Office, after listening to the opinions of relevant work units and departments, conducting an in-depth analysis and evaluation, once again forming a review conclusion and recommendation, soliciting the opinions of the cybersecurity review mechanism member units and reporting to the Central Commission for Cybersecurity and Informatization for approval according to procedure, shall form the conclusion of the review and notify the party in writing.
Article 14: The special review procedure shall generally be completed within ninety working days, if the situation is complicated, it can be extended appropriately.
Article 15: If the Cybersecurity Review Office requests the provision of supplementary materials, parties and product and service providers shall cooperate. The time for submitting supplementary materials is not included in the review time.
Article 16: Network products and services as well as data handling activities that the cybersecurity review work mechanism member units believe affect or could affect national security shall, after being submitted to the Central Commission for Cybersecurity and Informatization for approval, be reviewed by the Cybersecurity Review Office in accordance with the provisions of these Measures.
In order to prevent risks, parties shall, during the review period, adopt risk prevention and mitigation measures according to cybersecurity review requirements.
Article 17: Relevant institutions and personnel involved in cybersecurity review shall strictly protect intellectual property rights, and shall undertake confidentiality obligations for commercial secrets and personal information they learn during review work, the unpublished materials submitted by operators and product and service providers, and other unpublished information; without the consent of the information provider, it may not be disclosed to unrelated parties or used for purposes other than review.
Article 18: If a party or a provider of network products and services believes that the review personnel are unfair and impartial, or that they fail to undertake the obligation of confidentiality of information learned during the review, they may report to the Cybersecurity Review Office or relevant department.
Article 19: Parties shall urge product and service providers to fulfill the commitments made in the cybersecurity review.
The Cybersecurity Review Office strengthens pre-event, in-progress, and post-event supervision by accepting reports and other forms.
Article 20: Parties who violate the provisions of these Measures shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the “Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China.”
Article 21: The “network products and services” mentioned in these Measures primarily refer to core network equipment, important telecommunications products, high-performance computers and servers, large-capacity storage devices, large-scale databases and application software, cybersecurity equipment, cloud computing services, and other important network products and services that have important influence on the security of CII, cybersecurity and data security.
Article 22: Where information related to state secrets is involved, the relevant national secrecy protection provisions apply.
Where the State has issued other provisions on data security review and foreign investment security review, those provisions shall be complied with simultaneously.
Article 23: These Measures take effect on Feb. 15, 2022. The "Cybersecurity Review Measures" passed on 13 April 2020 (Cyberspace Administration of China, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, People's Bank of China, State Administration of Market Supervision, State Administration of Press, Publications, Radio, Film and Television, China Securities Regulatory Commission, State Secrets Bureau, and State Cryptography Administration Decree No. 6) is abolished at the same time.
Source: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2022-01/04/content_5666430.htm
国家互联网信息办公室主任 庄荣文
国家发展和改革委员会主任 何立峰
工业和信息化部部长 肖亚庆
公安部部长 赵克志
国家安全部部长 陈文清
财政部部长 刘昆
商务部部长 王文涛
中国人民银行行长 易纲
国家市场监督管理总局局长 张工
国家广播电视总局局长 聂辰席
中国证券监督管理委员会主席 易会满
国家保密局局长 李兆宗
国家密码管理局局长 刘东方
第一条 为了确保关键信息基础设施供应链安全,保障网络安全和数据安全,维护国家安全,根据《中华人民共和国国家安全法》、《中华人民共和国网络安全法》、《中华人民共和国数据安全法》、《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例》,制定本办法。
第二条 关键信息基础设施运营者采购网络产品和服务,网络平台运营者开展数据处理活动,影响或者可能影响国家安全的,应当按照本办法进行网络安全审查。
第三条 网络安全审查坚持防范网络安全风险与促进先进技术应用相结合、过程公正透明与知识产权保护相结合、事前审查与持续监管相结合、企业承诺与社会监督相结合,从产品和服务以及数据处理活动安全性、可能带来的国家安全风险等方面进行审查。
第四条 在中央网络安全和信息化委员会领导下,国家互联网信息办公室会同中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会、中华人民共和国工业和信息化部、中华人民共和国公安部、中华人民共和国国家安全部、中华人民共和国财政部、中华人民共和国商务部、中国人民银行、国家市场监督管理总局、国家广播电视总局、中国证券监督管理委员会、国家保密局、国家密码管理局建立国家网络安全审查工作机制。
第五条 关键信息基础设施运营者采购网络产品和服务的,应当预判该产品和服务投入使用后可能带来的国家安全风险。影响或者可能影响国家安全的,应当向网络安全审查办公室申报网络安全审查。
第六条 对于申报网络安全审查的采购活动,关键信息基础设施运营者应当通过采购文件、协议等要求产品和服务提供者配合网络安全审查,包括承诺不利用提供产品和服务的便利条件非法获取用户数据、非法控制和操纵用户设备,无正当理由不中断产品供应或者必要的技术支持服务等。
第七条 掌握超过100万用户个人信息的网络平台运营者赴国外上市,必须向网络安全审查办公室申报网络安全审查。
第八条 当事人申报网络安全审查,应当提交以下材料:
第九条 网络安全审查办公室应当自收到符合本办法第八条规定的审查申报材料起10个工作日内,确定是否需要审查并书面通知当事人。
第十条 网络安全审查重点评估相关对象或者情形的以下国家安全风险因素:
第十一条 网络安全审查办公室认为需要开展网络安全审查的,应当自向当事人发出书面通知之日起30个工作日内完成初步审查,包括形成审查结论建议和将审查结论建议发送网络安全审查工作机制成员单位、相关部门征求意见;情况复杂的,可以延长15个工作日。
第十二条 网络安全审查工作机制成员单位和相关部门应当自收到审查结论建议之日起15个工作日内书面回复意见。
第十三条 按照特别审查程序处理的,网络安全审查办公室应当听取相关单位和部门意见,进行深入分析评估,再次形成审查结论建议,并征求网络安全审查工作机制成员单位和相关部门意见,按程序报中央网络安全和信息化委员会批准后,形成审查结论并书面通知当事人。
第十四条 特别审查程序一般应当在90个工作日内完成,情况复杂的可以延长。
第十五条 网络安全审查办公室要求提供补充材料的,当事人、产品和服务提供者应当予以配合。提交补充材料的时间不计入审查时间。
第十六条 网络安全审查工作机制成员单位认为影响或者可能影响国家安全的网络产品和服务以及数据处理活动,由网络安全审查办公室按程序报中央网络安全和信息化委员会批准后,依照本办法的规定进行审查。
第十七条 参与网络安全审查的相关机构和人员应当严格保护知识产权,对在审查工作中知悉的商业秘密、个人信息,当事人、产品和服务提供者提交的未公开材料,以及其他未公开信息承担保密义务;未经信息提供方同意,不得向无关方披露或者用于审查以外的目的。
第十八条 当事人或者网络产品和服务提供者认为审查人员有失客观公正,或者未能对审查工作中知悉的信息承担保密义务的,可以向网络安全审查办公室或者有关部门举报。
第十九条 当事人应当督促产品和服务提供者履行网络安全审查中作出的承诺。
第二十条 当事人违反本办法规定的,依照《中华人民共和国网络安全法》、《中华人民共和国数据安全法》的规定处理。
第二十一条 本办法所称网络产品和服务主要指核心网络设备、重要通信产品、高性能计算机和服务器、大容量存储设备、大型数据库和应用软件、网络安全设备、云计算服务,以及其他对关键信息基础设施安全、网络安全和数据安全有重要影响的网络产品和服务。
第二十二条 涉及国家秘密信息的,依照国家有关保密规定执行。
第二十三条 本办法自2022年2月15日起施行。2020年4月13日公布的《网络安全审查办法》(国家互联网信息办公室、国家发展和改革委员会、工业和信息化部、公安部、国家安全部、财政部、商务部、中国人民银行、国家市场监督管理总局、国家广播电视总局、国家保密局、国家密码管理局令第6号)同时废止。